A few things you should know before reading this post...
1) Tonight I ventured out for the first time since my surgery...I went to the theatre
1b) It was Sweeny Todd and it was amazing (you actually didn't need to know that - I just wanted to share)
2) I have crutchers and with 2 bung legs I have to alternate right arm with left leg and vice versa
3) The bandages were hidden
4) I have to sit in the back seat of the car with my feet up...there is noone in the passenger seat
5) I was wearing my favourite, new hat...I'm very proud of it...see:
Okay, so first, here we are, running late and Sharyn drops me off...I am alone at the theatre, all dressed up and walking like I have polio...People are sssstttttaaaarrrrriiiiinnnngggg...all sorry looking because they don't know it's self inflicted...anyway...focus... (as an aside, I was propositioned by a young man in a passing vehicle who said 'want a hand love' - although I'm not sure he actually meant 'hand' - who said chivalry is dead?)
I have to keep my legs up...so, I have to put them on Sharyn's legs because we were too late to arrange a footstool...
(The staring people have me plotting funny things to say...)
People from work are there...but they only see me at intermission, with my legs up luckily on the seat next to me by now and I look like a naughty teenager with my feet on the chairs at the theatre royal...Sean (colleague) says 'I thought you only get one seat each' ...I laugh awkwardly...
(and expose a little bandage)
Great play comes to an end and colleagues are about to walk past again...I try to look natural and pick up my crutchers 'ahhh crutchers' says Sean knowingly...'yep' I say, trying to look as though I had picked them up for some reason other than saving face...
Walking/hobbling out there is more staring...I am going very slowly tap tap tap tap on the way back to the car...
Someone walks past me...a couple actually...they kind of glance sideways at me (joketime)
'RUN FOREST RUN' - It just comes out...honestly it was just for a giggle...they didn't laugh...maybe that's because they think I am dying, a poor young prisoner trapped in my ailing body...
The car park...We drive up to the window...Sharyn says 'she's hurt her legs, that's why she's in the back' (unnecessary explanation)...
I chip in 'she has kidnapped' me then I mouth 'HELP'...Sharyn yells 'SHUT UP' laughs then says 'it's hard to get good passengers these days'...He laughs...a lot and then says 'I like your hat'...
I am sttttooookkkeeeeddd...
Then he whispers 'just trying to keep her happy'...
hahaha touche old carpark man...I have enjoyed this exchange...